
Does CBD Oil Show Up on a Drug Test?

It’s well known that CBD oil is extracted from hemp plants, but it’s sometimes unclear how this cannabis derivative may affect drug test results. Drug screenings are searching for another compound—THC, or the primary psychoactive element in cannabis strains .Elevatd Femme CBD contains less than 0.3% THC making it full spectrum. Full Spectrum extracts may show a false positive drug test. Every body is different and depending on your usage of full spectrum CBD, as positive drug test is possible. It is recommended to speak with your employer or medical provider to understand your risk and options when it comes to drug testing for CBD.If you have consumed or inhaled marijuana extracts that are THC-heavy, it’s possible that CBD consumption may prolong the existence of THC in your system. In this case, it may take longer than expected for lingering traces of THC to leave your body. Although when used on its own, CBD oil shouldn’t result in a positive test result for THC, since there is less than 0.3 percent of the compound in hemp and CBD products. For some, it is likely.Although CBD has an ineffective amount of THC that won’t get you high, some say that it may alter drug test results if you take too much in a short amount of time. It is improbable, but Remedy Review notes that doses exceeding 2000 mg of CBD or more in one day might result in a false positive. However, this amount of CBD use is uncommon for one person to use in a day, and you’d probably be reducing the effectiveness of the oil. To put this into perspective, you’d have to use 2 full bottles of Elevatd Femme CBD oil, which is highly unlikely—a few drops usually does the trick.The best way to ensure that a drug test is unaffected by CBD is to make sure that the products you are using have an accurate ingredient list, and lab test results to back this up. It’s important to see exactly what you’re putting in your body, which is important information for any wellness supplement. It’s also necessary to follow proper dosing guidelines to get the most benefits of CBD oil.