How Does CBD Oil Improve Mood?
How Does CBD Oil Improve Mood?
Grappling with anxiety, depression and other mood disorders can be incredibly difficult, and some people who struggle with these issues find themselves asking, “Does CBD oil improve mood?” It’s no secret that finding an effective treatment for mood disorders can be very challenging. Now, there is growing evidence that suggests CBD oil, which is also known as cannabidiol oil, can provide another option for doctors and patients working to manage mood issues.
CBD Oil and Cannabis
As you begin explore the possibility of improving your mood with CBD oil, it’s only natural to wonder what CBD oil is and where it comes from. To do that, you will need to learn a bit about cannabis, a herbaceous annual has several possible uses. It can be transformed into a diverse assortment of products, including CBD oil, recreational and medical cannabis, and hemp fibers, seeds and oils. In fact, CBD is just one of more than 80 compounds found in the cannabis plant. These compounds are called cannabinoids, and each has a unique effect.
CBD Oil and Health
Medical researchers are extremely interested in the potential use of CBD oil to improve mood and treat various other health problems. According to Medical News Today, CBD is not psychoactive, so its use will not produce a high, but it may be able to help in the treatment of a wide array of conditions, including epilepsy, addiction, pain, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, neuropsychiatric disorders and mood disorders. It also tends to be well-tolerated by most people; the National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that doses up to 600 mg can generally be taken without triggering psychotic symptoms or other unpleasant side effects.
Improving Mood With CBD Oil
How does CBD oil work to treat anxiety, depression and other mood disorders? It seems that this particular cannabinoid has several qualities that scientists believe might play a role in the compound’s ability to improve mood. As Mental Health Daily explains, CBD is:
An anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is recognized as a factor in a wide range of health troubles, so it is unsurprising that neuroinflammation is linked with neuropsychiatric and mood disorders. Studies demonstrate that CBD improves mood, anxiety and cognitive function by reducing this neuroinflammation.
A neuroprotective. CBD may protect brain health; insufficient oxygenation often results in damage or death of brain cells, but evidence suggests that CBD can act as a preventative, preserving brain cells.
An antipsychotic. While researchers do not fully understand the mechanisms behind CBD’s antipsychotic properties, one theory points to the indirect modulation of dopaminergic transmission.
Supportive of hippocampal neurogenesis. Some scientists believe that hippocampal neurogenesis, the growth of new neurons in the brain’s hippocampus, helps to moderate mood disorders. Research demonstrates that CBD causes hippocampal neurogenesis in animals, and it is thought to have the same effect in humans.
A mild antidepressant. When looking at mood disorders and CBD oil, it is worth noting that CBD is thought to enhance mood and function as a mild depressant. While the effect is not strong enough to make this a viable treatment for severe depression, it might be considered as an adjunctive therapy.
Good at relieving pain. Being in pain hurts more than the body. Chronic pain is strongly associated with depression, anxiety and other mood issues. Thankfully, CBD oil can provide welcome relief because it is effective in reducing pain.
Beneficial for sleep. Sleep is often underrated, but it is a critical component of wellness. Unfortunately, individuals with mood disorders often find quality sleep elusive. Making a bad situation worse, insomnia can trigger anxiety and low mood. CBD may offer a way to break this cruel cycle. It has been shown to improve sleep quality and restore normal REM sleep.
Advantages of Using CBD to Improve Mood
Many medications intended to help combat a problem come with unpleasant side effects. For example, many anxiolytics, drugs intended to combat anxiety, are known to carry a risk for drowsiness, brain fog, memory troubles and sexual dysfunction. For individuals dealing with mood disorders, CBD oil is an appealing alternative because it presents no significant side effects when compared to a placebo. CBD oil also acts quickly, improving the mood of a person who takes it appropriately almost instantly, so it can be taken on an as-needed basis. In addition, it seems to be a safe choice; most research indicates that a quality CBD oil used correctly is as safe as a placebo. Finally, there is reason to believe that this potent product can boost immune function, reduce muscle spasms, control blood sugar, and fight the growth of cancer cells and bacteria. Frankly, improving your mood with CBD oil might also improve your overall health.