How CBD Can Treat Your Next Hangover
The physical and psychological pain caused by a hangover can be enough to ruin your entire day. Thankfully, Elevatd Femme CBD can help to get you out of bed and moving again. Its myriad of health benefits can treat both nausea and migraine, the two most common symptoms of hangovers. Its wide range of beneficial effects should earn it a spot on your nightstand.
Most people don’t think too far ahead when drinking alcohol. However, a really bad hangover can cause enough damage to derail your entire day. Hangovers can be a real downer, but thankfully, CBD can help to get you back up in no time. CBD’s multitude of therapeutic health benefits provide a comprehensive solution to eliminating hangovers. Moreover, the myriad of convenient forms that CBD comes in, such as oils and capsules, make it super easy to consume. With all of its benefits, CBD definitely deserves a spot on your nightstand in preparation for your next hangover.
Hangovers occur as a result of drinking too much alcohol. They can begin to set in just hours after last consuming alcohol. As the pain-relieving properties of booze wear off, pain and sickness begin to creep in and worsen over time. The typical symptoms of a hangover include headache, dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, and body pains like muscle aches and joint pain.
Hangovers happen for two primary reasons: dehydration and toxicity. Alcohol actively dehydrates the body during consumption and metabolisation. The effects of a hangover can be significantly reduced by regularly drinking water while consuming alcoholic beverages. Also, since alcohol is a diuretic, you don’t retain as much water or electrolytes while drinking. The inevitable result of this dehydration is a splitting headache the following morning.
When it comes to toxicity, it is important to remember that alcohol is effectively poison. As it is metabolised, the stomach and liver work ceaselessly to process the toxins that have been consumed. After some time, the liver’s enzymes run out, and it needs to rest. This process of digestion and metabolisation can cause both physical and psychological pain.
Nausea, vomiting, and inflammation may be induced as the body’s immune system attempts to deal with these threats. Stomach aches and nausea are simply unavoidable for some people, whereas others may be particularly susceptible to the muscle and joint pains that are triggered by the body’s inflammatory response.
The intensity of a hangover differs from person to person depending on their liver’s ability to process alcohol, and their hydration level. People who are already dehydrated (like from regularly drinking alcohol) are more susceptible to nasty headaches and muscle soreness.
CBD’s wide range of therapeutic benefits allow it to effectively fight the long list of symptoms that accompany a hangover. Regardless of what your symptoms are, or how intense they are, cannabidiol can probably help.
CBD’s most significant contribution to fighting hangovers is its antiemetic (anti-nausea and vomiting) effect. By interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, cannabidiol is able to reduce sensations of nausea or vomiting. Cannabidiol can put your stomach at ease, allowing you to relax and get on with your day.
CBD’s second-most-important contribution is its ability to relieve headache and migraine. Cannabidiol has been clinically proven to reduce inflammation throughout the body. This in turn causes a lessening of headache and migraine-related pain. It is important to remember to consume water in order to fully rid yourself of hangover-related migraine symptoms. While CBD may numb the pain, it cannot solve the root of the problem, dehydration.
The role of CBD’s anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and antidepressant effects should not be discounted. Cannabidiol’s calming properties can be a godsend during the stress and discomfort of a hangover. Regardless of how bad your hangover is, cannabidiol can motivate you to get out of bed and get on with your life.
Marijuana has been used to combat nausea and stomach ache for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Cannabinoids like CBD directly and indirectly interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system in order to relieve pain and discomfort. This system works through a network of receptor sites located on cells throughout the body. Studies have shown that it is responsible for regulating things like pain, mood, and stress.
A scientific study published in 2011 found that nausea and vomiting can be effectively regulated via the body’s endocannabinoid system. The system is primarily composed of CB1 and CB2 cell receptors. Researchers have concluded that agonism of CB1 receptors is capable of suppressing nausea and vomiting, whereas the antagonism of these same receptors reverses the effect. When it comes to CBD specifically, it is believed to potentially reduce nausea by indirectly activating somatodendritic 5-HT1A receptors.
THC has also been clinically proven to elicit antiemetic effects, this time by directly activating CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system. One study found that THC was responsible for producing at least a 50% reduction in vomiting among chemotherapy patients.
Similarly to the way it treats nausea, CBD alleviates headache and migraine symptoms through its interactions with the endocannabinoid system. Researchers believe that the endocannabinoid network may be a therapeutic mechanism for reducing the inflammatory and physiological elements that contribute to migraines.
Moreover, it is believed that some people who suffer from chronic migraines are actually suffering from a condition known as clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD). CBD remedies the condition by manipulating the level of anandamide within the body. Cannabidiol has been shown to inhibit the uptake of anandamide, thus easing the intensity of migraine attacks.
CBD is available in a variety of convenient forms such as tinctures, capsules, edibles, oils, and vape juices. As such, there are many ways of consuming CBD, and the one you choose could determine how quickly and effectively your hangover is treated. The intensity of the effects produced, and their duration, will differ depending on method of consumption.
Consuming CBD sublingually through an oil mixture or tincture will allow it to take effect in under 60 seconds. If you need immediate relief from a headache or migraine, this method of consumption may be best for you. Vaping or smoking CBD will also allow CBD’s effects to kick in almost immediately. When ingested orally like an edible, CBD’s effects will take longer to function since it must be digested and metabolised. With this dosing option, effects may not fully kick in for up to 45 minutes after ingestion. However, effects tend to last much longer than if consumed sublingually, similarly to THC.
CBD and alcohol can be safely taken at the same time. A 1979 study looking at interactions between CBD and alcohol found that the two substances could be taken simultaneously with no adverse effects. Researchers found little difference between patients who had consumed both CBD and alcohol, and those who had taken just alcohol. The dominant effects of alcohol consumption seemed to simply overpower those of cannabidiol.
Having the freedom to mix the two will give you more flexibility when it comes to dosing. If you want to get a head start on those hangover symptoms, taking CBD right after drinking is certainly an option. If you choose to do this, don’t forget to have some ready for the next morning as well. One dose of CBD will typically not be enough to last you through an entire hangover.
More recent animal studies have shown that CBD may actually help to prevent some of alcohol’s toxic side effects. Researchers have found that CBD can significantly reduce alcohol-induced neurodegeneration in laboratory mice. Furthermore, another study recently discovered that CBD works to prevent alcohol-induced liver injury in mice.
CBD has shown promise in the treatment of substance withdrawal. Through its effects on neurotransmitters like dopamine, cannabidiol is able to provide relief from addictive behaviours.
Our brain’s reward system functions via the release of dopamine into various parts of the brain. Drugs like alcohol stimulate this reward system, causing an imbalance in neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. The release of these chemicals is directly responsible for alcohol’s unique effects. However, the effects of long-term use can leave the brain in a state of hyperactivity, creating a neurochemical need for alcohol.
Through its interactions with the endocannabinoid system, CBD is able to rewire the brain’s reward system. The endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in facilitating interactions between the neurotransmitters that control our emotions and cravings. Researchers believe that endocannabinoid disturbances or deficiencies may be a primary motivator in addictive behaviour. The consumption of CBD has resulted is less frequent, and less intense cravings among alcoholics.
External Resources:
Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids
Antiemetic Effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in Patients Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy - PubMed
Interaction of Cannabidiol and Alcohol in Humans - PubMed